Powered by industry-leading data providers, the Digital Commerce Intelligence Index ('DCI Index') is an independent ranking of the world’s largest global brand manufacturers, based on a quantitative evaluation of critical digital commerce metrics.


Advancing commerce understanding and outcomes

Welcome to the DCI Index, a pioneering initiative spearheaded by DCG. Our mission is to provide a comprehensive, data-powered benchmark of the digital commerce capabilities of the world's largest CPG/FMCG brand manufacturers.

Leveraging collaboration with industry-leading providers, the DCI Index stands as a new beacon of insight in digital commerce intelligence.

A unique collaboration between leading providers

The inaugural DCI Index collates and analyses over 1.5 million data points in the US eGrocery markets, across 45,000 products listed on Amazon, Walmart, and Target in the US.

This initiative brings together a robust set of over 20 key digital commerce metrics including content completeness, share of search, digital shelf metrics, and more.

Our trusted data sources are collated from Bazaarvoice, Intelligence Node, Salsify, Shopalyst, and DCG’s own intelligence, ensuring a balanced and comprehensive view of true manufacturer capabilities.


Revealing the Leaders in US eGrocery

The indexed manufacturers are the elite from DCG's 2024 'Most Admired Brands', as voted by the global community of benchmarking participants.

These leaders are recognized not just for their market perception but for actual performance metrics in the US eGrocery sector. The Index showcases these top performers,
providing a detailed breakdown of their strengths and areas for potential improvement.

Want to see the full list of DCI Index leaders?

See the Top 3 leading brands for every DCI Index metric.
Fill out the below to access.

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Download the 2024 US Leaders here.
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What's next for the DCI Index?

Looking forward, the DCI Index will expand to include additional categories and geographies, incorporating more metrics to maintain a comprehensive scope of digital commerce intelligence.

Upcoming initiatives include a series of webinars featuring case studies and insights from the data providers, helping manufacturers to further harness the power of digital commerce. Manufacturers featured in the October ranking can expect detailed reports and personalized insights starting early November.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights as we continue to define 'digital commerce intelligence' and empower the industry with the facts needed to survive and thrive in today's competitive market.


Accelerating the industry through transparency and collaboration.

Index participants include Bazaarvoice, Intelligence Node, Salsify, and Shopalyst, each contributing their expertise and data to the DCI Index.
This collaboration ensures the Index’s integrity and reliability, free from commercial biases.

These partners are integral to the ongoing success and accuracy of the DCI Index,
helping to shape the future of digital commerce intelligence.

Providers interested in participating in the index can click here to register their interest.


Bazaarvoice is reshaping how brands and retailers connect with consumers by putting the consumer voice first. With an end-to-end, commerce-empowered omni-channel content solutions and analytics platform, Bazaarvoice helps 13,000+ brands and retailers inform consumer decisions consistently and at scale at every stage of the shopper journey, on every platform where shoppers live.  2.3B shoppers use the Bazaarvoice Network on a monthly basis.

Digital Commerce Global

Digital Commerce Global (‘DCG’) is the global, independent digital commerce capability intelligence standard, launched in 2022. With a mission to enable the best-informed digital commerce decisions, DCG’s community consists of over 150 of the world’s largest  global brand manufacturers across 16 markets. Leading with DCG’s proprietary SEEC (Strategy – Enablers – Execution – Culture) benchmark, DCG’s intelligence platform boasts over 250,000 digital commerce data points, delivering actionable insights to drive digital and digitally-influenced growth. Building on SEEC, DCG’s core benchmarks include Amazon, Digital Retail Media, ‘Data, Tools & Tech Stack’ and Digital Shelf Optimization.

Intelligence Node

Intelligence Node® is a real-time retail intelligence platform that empowers businesses to drive product-level profitability and grow margins using data-driven real-time competitive insights. It is trusted by hundreds of retailers and brands worldwide, including industry leaders such as Walmart, Prada, Nestle, Clos 19, Li & Fung, Lenovo and many more. Intelligence Node’s proprietary technology scans the internet for pricing and promotion strategies, digital shelf performance, and cataloging models of over 1.2 billion products from more than 190,000 brands across over 1,400 retail categories. Today, Intelligence Node has the largest retail dataset globally, contributing to the growth of over $600 billion in global retail revenue.


Salsify helps thousands of brand manufacturers, distributors, and retailers in over 140 countries collaborate to win on the digital shelf. The company’s Product Experience Management (PXM) platform enables organizations to centralize all of their product content, connect to the commerce ecosystem, and automate business processes in order to deliver the best possible product experiences across every selling destination.


Shopalyst is a marketing technology platform that helps brands connect with shoppers on all digital media. More than 500 marquee advertisers worldwide drive brand growth leveraging our ACE framework - high intent audiences , shoppable creatives and connected commerce experiences. Maia, our AI co-pilot makes data driven decisions easy for marketers.


Evaluated brands


DCI Index Components

The core elements, sourcing methodology, and providers that comprise the global definition of capability excellence.

Providers interested in participating in the index can click here to register their interest.

Data Source


1P Written Content Completeness
The average written content completeness score assigned to your products. A score of 100 is associated with 80+ characters (title), 5+ bullets (bullets), 250+ characters (description).
Calculated using Salsify's Content Completeness Score for a sample of priority brands (by manufacturer), including products appearing in page 1-10 of branded search. Weighting = 33.33% Product Name Score, 33.33% Feature Bullet Count Score, 33.33% Product Description Score
1P Visual Content Completeness
The average content completeness score for visual content. A score of 100 is associated with 5+ images (supplementary) and Optimized Image Resolution.
Calculated using Salsify's Content Completeness Score for a sample of priority brands (by manufacturer), including products appearing in page 1-10 of branded search. Weighting = 80% Supplementary  Image Count Score, 20% Image Resolution Score.
1P  Advanced Content Score
The content completeness score for for advanced content score (an average of Video & Enhanced Content) which is assigned to your products, A score of 100 is associated with the presence of enhanced content and video where these capabilities are available on the eRetailer measured.
Calculated using Salsify's Content Completeness Score for a sample of priority brands (by manufacturer), including products appearing in page 1-10 of branded search. Weighting = 70% Video, 30% Enhanced Content.
Mobile Ready Hero Image Optimization
Assessment of primary images for passing Mobile Ready Hero Images (MRHI) guidelines including Cambridge University's Visual Clarity Test (Clarifi), and Colour Contrast Testing (APCA).
For a sample of priority brands (by manufacturer), including products appearing on page 1 of branded search results, where MRHI are accepted on the eRetailer measured. APCA Standard = LC 45. Cambridge Clarifi Standard = AA
GS1 Primary Image Compliance
Assessment of the compliance of primary images to GS1 Product Image Specification Standards, Mobile Ready Hero Images.
For a sample of priority brands (by manufacturer), including products appearing on page 1 of branded search results.

Standards:1) GS1 Release Product Image Specification Standards, Optimized Images 4.4, Ratified, Apr 2024
3P Content Score
The average content completeness content score of 3P Products, 0-100. Inputs include image count, high quality image count, video count, presence of enhanced content, bullet count, description length, and title length.
Calculated for a sample of priority brands (by manufacturer) including products appearing on page 1-10 of branded search, analyzing third-party listings only.
Share of Best-Sellers
Share of top 100 best-seller products in a manufacturer's key product categories, based on retailer taxonomy. All brands listed in bestsellers within a category are considered.
Top 100 bestsellers at every level (up to 4 levels - Division, category, subcategory, article type) assessed.

Sources: Amazon's bestseller listing. Walmart & Target filtered by bestseller.
Share of Search (eRetail)
Average % share in the top 20 placements (paid & organic) for top 25 category-relevant (& brand neutral) keywords. All brands appearing in search results are covered.
Using keywords sourced from predictive search & retail attributes on non-app search results. Not on branded search.
Share of Search (Google)
% manufacturer share of the top 20 organic placements from specific category & brand-neutral keywords.
All results are analysed & manufacturer share calculated.
Availability (Best-sellers)
Measurement of your best-seller availability over a period of 30 days.
Tracked for all bestseller products across brands
Availability (all SKUs)
% in-stock items for the manufacturer measured.
Calculated for a sample of priority brands by manufacturer (all products), measured over a 2-week period.
Intelligence Node
Category Pricing Consistency
Assessment of pricing level compared to the category average.
Calculated for the in-scope brands of the manufacturer for that category & compared with the category average
Intelligence Node
Category Promotion Consistency
Assessment of promotion level compared to the category average.
Calculated for a sample of priority brands by manufacturer (all products), measured over a 2-week period and compared to the relevant sub-category.
Intelligence Node
Digital Commerce Peer Perception
Ranking score in DCG's most recently published Most Admired Brands list. (c.>5000 responses)
DCG publish the most admired brands list into the public domain. Manufacturers were excluded from nominating themselves
Digital Commerce Mindset
Understanding the Manufacturer's Digital Commerce Mindset including assessment of annual, half-year or quarterly reports for quantitively reported on their digital commerce performance and attendance at digital commerce industry events in the local market, enhancing their Digital IQ.
Assessment of annual reports and other public domain assets. Privately owned companies without public annual reports are excluded from part of this metric. Event attendance is based any attendee present from the manufacturer
Social Reach **
Digital commerce relevancy in social channels -  engagement based on the total number of likes, engagements and unique creators associated with their brand handles in TikTok and Instagram captions.
Social media interactions for the previous 12-month period.
Low Rated Product Percentage **
Percentage of products in the brand’s product catalog, with at least one displayable review, with an Average Product Rating less than an average rating of 4.0, as calculated against both native reviews on the brand site and reviews syndicated to retailer sites within the Bazaarvoice network
Ratings of reviews submitted since Bazaarvoice inception.
Average Product Rating **
The mean product rating across all active products in the brand’s product catalog within the specified category, with at least one displayable review, as compared to the mean product rating across all active products for all brands within the specified category, as calculated against both native reviews on the brand site and reviews syndicated to retailer sites within the Bazaarvoice network.  
Ratings of reviews submitted since Bazaarvoice inception.

A score of 1.0 would match the average category total number of reviews.
Average Number of Reviews **
The total number of displayable reviews across all active products in the brand’s product catalog within the specified category, as compared to the mean total number of reviews across all active products for all brands within the specified category, as calculated against both native reviews on the brand site and reviews syndicated to retailer sites within the Bazaarvoice network.
Reviews submitted since Bazaarvoice inception.

A score of 1.0 would match the average category total number of reviews.
% of Products with Displayable Reviews **
Percentage of active products in the brand’s product catalog that have at least one displayable review, from native collection, inbound syndication, or product families.
Reviews submitted since Bazaarvoice inception.
* Leaders to follow by EoY
** Assessment of these metrics is available to the 30-indexed manufacturers via an opt-in process.